Click-y with Sabrina Queiroga

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Cooking can be a chore or can be magical!

Food and eating are loaded with meaning for most of us. All kinds of memories can come to our heads when we think about food: The meals our Mom's cooked for us, family gatherings as Thanks Given and Christmas, stressful times when working long hours, celebrations, comfort food when something we didn't like occurred in our lives. Besides eating, cooking will bring memories, is it something you didn't enjoy but had to do? Or you only cook when you are inspired? Do you love to cook with friends? Or you make the minimum necessary? I notice over the years with my clients and friends that many people think they don't know how to cook, most people say they tried in the past, and nothing worked. Still, in further conversations, they always end up saying they never liked to cook. If you don't like doing something, it is improbable that you will succeed in the task. Cooking is one of my favorite ways of relaxing, but it was not always like that… Let's rewind this movie for a bit. My Mom always cooked for us, and she used to say that as a girl, I must learn the minimum. My first reaction was: - what?!?! Just because I'm a girl, I need to know to cook! Really?!?! It can't be! I used to say that I would make a lot of money and would eat out or would have someone to cook for me. But over the years, I became interested in cooking, and I started to learn the basics from her. For many years pre-maid pasta and frozen food was indeed something that was always around. I tried the more natural and light versions. For some time, I used to have a weight watcher brand with little portions and a pleasant taste that I used to bring to work every day. I got curious about cooking. You know curiosity can jump start you in all kinds of new paths, I always loved excellent and tasty food, so I began to learn the "special recipes" that I want to cook for friends or my husband. I dove into all kinds of risottos and pasta because it was easy, and I could prepare amazing dishes with fresh and homemade ingredients. For a while, figuring out the broths and noticing how they could change the outcome was the whole journey. Through the years, my cooking journey had many different phases. In my early twenty's, it was all about being affordable and straightforward. I always tried to be healthy, but looking back, I know that was not the reality. But it's ok when you have a good intention; life will guide you to find your goal. It was during this period of my life that I discovered cooking could be entertaining. Together with a few girlfriends, we created the gourmet club. Once a month, we would come together to cook and eat a full dinner course. Each one would be responsible for a course: entry, main dish, and dessert. At this point in our lives, we were so busy that we would get out of work 8:00 pm and go out to do the groceries and start cooking late and eating even later. But It didn't look a significant matter for us; we were having fun and enjoying our delicious food and friendship. In my thirty's I loved to cook, occasionally, for friends and family. My cooking skills start to improve a lot, and my health goals were related to making sure I was fit and healthy to become a mom. Being a good role model for my children was also crucial. In their earlier years, I became the master of natural baby food; I didn't want them to eat pre-maid baby food or anything in packages. It was a challenge, but even when I couldn't make it, I would write the recipes and leave detailed instructions about their meals and what they liked. It's incredible to notice how, even as babies, we have our preferences. If you pay attention, you learn so much about your kids. My cooking passion is still expanding as well as my skills, ability to try new dishes, and fresh vegetables and tastes. I want to invite you to try to do some homemade food. You can choose what inspires you like a gorgeous breakfast on a Saturday morning? Or you prefer to learn a great sauce to put on your quick and colorful salad? Maybe you want to learn to make healthy snacks for your kids and friends? What about that dessert that will satisfy your chocolate desire without making you guilty? In the next weeks during August, I'll give you a gift every week: It could be my favorite recipes, cooking tips, and more. If you want, you can also write me through the contact page and ask what you would like to receive, and I'll do my best to attend you. To access the gift page, click on the link and use the code: MAGIC.

Be yourself and see the change in the world!

Sabrina Queiroga