Click-y with Sabrina Queiroga

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Harnessing Summer Energy: Managing Your Inner Battery for a Fulfilling Season"

It's summertime! What comes to mind? I could create an extensive list of blissful, warm, and sunny days—especially for those of us who live in regions with long winters. It's a time to relish the outdoors, enjoy vacation moments, and have the kids around for the next eight weeks. The image could be idyllic, and many of us strive to make the most of this season, building cherished summer memories for our families. However, I must admit, I have conflicting emotions about summer. While I adore the long, warm days, they can also be draining. Balancing work hours, planning activities to keep the kids entertained, organizing trips of varying durations, and managing a bustling household with kids, friends, and family can be overwhelming.

That's why understanding energy management has significantly enhanced the quality of my summer and overall life.

You've likely experienced moments when you feel utterly depleted, using phrases such as "I'm running out of fuel," "my battery is critically low," or "I'm completely drained." When your energy levels are depleted, clear thinking, effective task performance, and resilient bouncing back become challenging. These are clear indicators that your resilience is lacking.

It all begins with grasping the depth of your resilience. The term "resilience" may evoke different meanings, and for some, it may carry a weighty or negative connotation. Personally, I embrace the definition put forth by the HeartMath Institute:

"Resilience is the capacity to prepare for, recover from, and adapt in the face of stress, challenges, or adversity."

Your capacity for resilience is directly linked to the amount of energy stored within your inner battery. When our inner battery is running low, our resilience diminishes, making it easier for others to get under our skin. We find ourselves lacking patience, and life seems to lose its flow.

On the flip side, when we are charged and energized, we wake up eagerly anticipating the day ahead. We feel a heightened positivity towards life and exhibit greater adaptability.

Building and bolstering our capacity for resilience is a remarkable goal if we yearn to fully savor life.

Consider your current resilience capacity as the quantity of energy stored in your inner battery. How much energy can you draw upon to tackle your daily challenges and responsibilities? Resilience encompasses not only physical energy but also mental, emotional, and spiritual energy.

When your resilience level is high or your inner battery is fully charged, you possess a greater ability to remain calm, think clearly, and maintain control over your emotions to avoid overreactions. You become more adept at handling challenges and smoothly navigating through them, rather than succumbing to stress, which only further depletes your energy. Being resilient enables you to bounce back and recover swiftly after encountering challenging situations.

A fundamental aspect of building and sustaining resilience lies in managing your energy expenditure while effectively replenishing your energy reserves.

One crucial way to replenish your energy and recharge your inner battery is by ensuring you receive adequate, uninterrupted, and rejuvenating sleep. Sleep is one of the most fundamental ways our bodies renew energy. However, at times, obtaining a good night's sleep can be challenging.

Here are five tips to help you achieve a restful night of sleep:

  1. Create a dark and cool environment in your bedroom.

  2. Plan to unwind at least one hour before bedtime.

  3. Diffuse calming essential oils in your bedroom or house (lavender is particularly effective).

  4. If you've had a difficult day, release all your worries by jotting them down in a journal before going to bed, clearing your mind of everything.

  5. Practice HeartFocus Breathing for three minutes before bed, promoting relaxation and tranquility.

By implementing these strategies, you can nurture a well-rested state and have the energy to spend on what it's important to you over this summer.