Click-y with Sabrina Queiroga

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The Power of Verbalizing Your Needs and Wants

In a world where communication often feels like a transaction rather than genuine connection, it's easy to fall into the habit of saying what's expected rather than what's true. How many times have you responded with a generic "I'm good" when asked how you are, even if you're feeling anything but good?

But what if we flipped the script? What if, instead of defaulting to autopilot responses, we took a moment to pause and truly assess how we're feeling? What if we dared to verbalize our needs and wants, even if it meant stepping out of our comfort zones?

Think about it. How can we expect to receive what we want and need if we don't express it? Speaking up is the first step toward getting what we desire, whether in our personal relationships, careers, or everyday interactions.

Imagine you're at a restaurant, and the server asks if everything is alright with your meal. It's tempting just to nod and smile, even if your soup has a hair or your steak is overcooked. But by politely speaking up and expressing your dissatisfaction, you allow the restaurant to make it right. 

Let's apply this concept to our lives beyond the dinner table. How often do we stay silent when something isn't sitting right with us? Maybe it's a work project that isn't aligning with our strengths, or a friend who consistently cancels plans at the last minute. Instead of bottling up our frustrations, what if we constructively vocalized them?

Of course, speaking up can be challenging. It requires vulnerability and courage, qualities that can feel daunting to embrace. But the rewards far outweigh the discomfort. When we communicate openly and honestly, we invite deeper connections into our lives. We empower ourselves to shape our reality according to our desires rather than passively accepting whatever comes our way.

So, how can we start practicing the art of speaking up? It begins with self-awareness. Take a moment to check in with yourself throughout the day. How are you feeling? What do you need in this moment? Then, muster the courage to vocalize those thoughts and feelings, whether with a trusted friend, colleague, or even yourself.

Additionally, it's important to remember that speaking up isn't just about asserting our needs—it's also about actively listening to the needs of others. By creating an open communication and mutual respect culture, we foster environments where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.