Click-y with Sabrina Queiroga

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Why did you Burnout and what could you do to avoid it

The moment you hit severe burnout is when you start to question what is going on in your life, job, career, family and even with yourself. Women are complex by nature, not to intentionally make things more complicated but because we want to embrace life in its totality. How many times you heard you must be more practical, break down problems, be partial, don’t take things personal, separate each area of your life. In the work environment hearing “keep your personal life out of the office” is a classic, is it possible though? Have you ever thought that maybe this is the reason it’s so common to see working places draining employees life force and energy. Have you ever experience ending your day just thinking about leave your work and doing something to forget your day and recover your energy? 

Compartmentalization of life is a way ti simplify the decision make process but it also facilitate us to put a side parts of your life that you don’t want to deal with. Especially when you have deep emotions involved. But the truth is you can not be just a mother, or a wife, or a friend, or a partner, or an executive, or business women, or a daughter… You are all together and that’s what makes you so special. You cannot have just one or a few role. You are energy moving through the form. Embrace your feminine energy and connect to the point, to consciousness and you will finally feel whole!

Going deep to understand who you really are is the main job of your life. Everything else will gravitate around this knowledge. Most of the time it’s a hard job because when you do this all the pain that is inside you will come to surface. But through my personal journey I finally understand that pain is inevitable but suffering is optional. Clarity brings joy and inspiration. If you want to avoid burnout spend time with yourself, understand yourself, feel your emotions and work to elevate your energy. You have ups and downs, we all have ups and downs but our main task is not to solve problems is to work on ourselves to access the happiness that is our nature.