Joyful Endings: Infusing the Last Days of the Year with Grace and Happiness

Joyful Endings: Infusing the Last Days of the Year with Grace and Happiness

How to end the year with Grace?

"Let the holidays flow instead of trying to fit them into a fixed schedule" - Dr. W. Dyer

Only a few days before the year's end, the most critical question is, How are you feeling? 

Your feelings are very personal, and there is an infinite mix and combinations, but from my experience, I would say that to some degree, you can relate to one of  these 3 categories:

  1. Hate & Love - Having mixed feelings about it. You want to celebrate for doing so much, even though you are already tired and thinking, let's close this year by indulging in food and drinking after all you deserve, and you can start a clean slate on January 1st

  2. Avoidance - You don't care, and it's just a date and ritual of passage that people tend to overreact to and value too much. It's just a commercial season; honestly, nothing happens.

  3. Hate - You don't like the holidays; it's busy, and you feel obliged to spend money and time with so many people. It would be nicer if you could be alone on a paradisiac island.

I don't want to label you; these are just prompts to jumpstart your thinking process. You can notice and feel what you experienced during the holidays in the next few days. What were the triggers that played out in your life? When December started, I naturally started to feel more anxious thinking about how busy I would be in December. This was an unconscious program that I had, and I caught it last year, so this year, I could consciously work on that. I only partially booked my agenda, I organized myself, and I said no to everything that was not a top priority. Looking back, it was not easy, but it worked well, and I'm so glad I was able to see the pattern repeating itself and able to change it.

What are the things that happen during the holidays that trigger you to do certain things? Triggers are unconscious, and you can't change your reaction to them unless you bring it into consciousness. Now it's the perfect time to prepare to change what you want. Remember, suffering is optional, and you are the creator of your life.

You can start working on a few questions,d and if something else comes to your mind take note and add it and contemplate it. 

Consider the timeline from mid-November to the end of December.

What are the things you felt you had to do?

Did you constantly have the feeling of obligation?

What are the things you enjoyed doing?

And the ones you didn't?

It's all a choice. How do you feel when you think about it?

Look back and check how you felt about it. Write down the areas you want to work and change. Take the time to do it. Think about the areas that you are suffering and not having what you want to experience,  

If you want to change things, today is the day, not next year. Eliminating suffering is the goal, and the truth is that suffering and sacrifice are not necessary, even though our society usually says the contrary. You are free and you are allowed to express yourself in a way that is loving and kind to you first of all. You are a powerful creator. Your life is a reflection of your consciousness. 

Use these last few days of 2023 to prepare your mind to start Jan 1st, 2024, with new thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that will take you in the direction you want to go and have experiences you came here to have.

“Remember people are more important than things”- Dr. W. Dyer

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