Stress & Well-Being Assessment - SWBA


The HeartMath Institute is a renowned organization dedicated to researching and promoting the profound connection between the heart and mind. Their groundbreaking work has shed light on the significant impact of heart coherence and emotional well-being on overall health and performance. Through extensive scientific research, the HeartMath Institute has developed practical techniques and tools that empower individuals to manage stress, improve resilience, and enhance their overall well-being. Their work has garnered international recognition and has been implemented in various fields, including healthcare, education, and business, with remarkable results. By bridging the gap between science and spirituality, the HeartMath Institute continues to inspire individuals and communities to harness the power of the heart, leading to profound personal transformations and creating a positive ripple effect in the world.

It all started when looking for a better way to support you…

A change in your current behavior pattern is an important step to be out of the cycle of rising stress, burnout, and recovery. Over the years, I saw many clients initially thinking they had a specific issue, many times the work environment or financial challenges  were pointed as the leading cause of their burnout, to find later that there were several underlying issues they were not aware 

There are 2 essential items to help in behavior change

  1. Assessment - Identifying areas where you are having issues, including the ones you were not conscious of but were underlying problems you have

  2. Accountability - with active support 

Only 23% of the people can change if they don't have a metric and an accountability coach, while 83% of people with this kind of support can not only change but also sustain their change.

The SWBA will help you understand where you are and support you to have a vision of the opportunities ahead of you.

This assessment will look for the impact of life changes and consider 12 scales

8 referents to levels of stress: (1. physical, 2. work, 3. relationship, 4. financial, 5. social support/lack, 6. other stress, 7. emotional, 8. stress response

4 referents to levels of well-being: (1. stress management, 2. adaptability, 3. resilience, 4.emotional vitality)