Frequently Asked Questions


If you are not sure if you would like to work with a coach or don't even know how it works. Take a look on what most of my clients ask.

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Choosing to work with a any coach is a very personal decision. If you feel that you are stuck in old habits that don't serve you anymore and really want to move forward maybe a health coach will be a perfect match for you.


I have different programs, but generally the 3 months period is the minimum time we need to learn a variety of tools and implement new habits. Clients that want to make sure that they will be able to keep working on what they learnt, even when facing challenging situations of their life, sometimes keep working with me for a while. But I like to start always with baby steps and the first step is your health assessment.

how do you work?

Most of my work is done online. I don't have an standard process to work with my clients because I believe that bio-individuality needs to be considered. Even though I have a method that is my main guideline. Over the work with each one I adapt it to best support each of my clients as needed.

when can i start my program?

Generally I don't have specific dates to start my coach programs. The first step is the FREE health assessment. After deciding your want to go ahead with your program you can immediately enrol and I will set you up to start in 48 hours maximum. Sometimes I might do a special program, generally short ones, and it will have an specific time line and dates. If you were already enrolled in any coach program you will have special access.